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Faded scene of a medic helicopter with BTC's logo and the caption Windows Health Clinic - Be The Change - How your philanthropy can change lives

Join us in improving our community’s Mental Health This presentation describes the various programs with offer and what your donations will be supporting in the realm of mental health.

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Screenshot of Bringing KARE to California brochure. Click to view the PDF in full.

Bringing KARE
to California KARE at Windows Health Clinic - Be The Change is Ketamine for the reduction of alcohol relapse. It is an evidence-based relapse prevention program that has shown incredible results.

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Image of KARE at Windows Health Clinic - Be The Change. Click to view the brochure itself.

KARE Program
at Windows Health Clinic - Be The Change KARE is our 4-week, 7-session outpatient program designed to maintain the momentum of recovery post-discharge from a SUD recovery treatment center.

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Screenshot of First Responders' KAT Program BTC brochure. Click to open it.

First Responders' KAT Program Learn about our groundbreaking Ketamine-assisted Therapy program specifically designed for First Responders.

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Screenshot of BTC brochure. Click to open the PDF brochure.

BTC Brochure Please take a look at our BTC brochure for an overview of our services.

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Screenshot of Veterans' Pilot Program at Windows Health Clinic - Be The Change. Click to open the PDF.

Veterans' Pilot Program Discover our specialized pilot program for Veterans, focused on Ketamine-assisted Therapy.

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Screenshot of BTC' Non-profit Overview. Click top open the PDF.

BTC' Non-profit Overview Learn About Windows Health Clinic - Be The Change at-a-glance, what we stand for, and what sets us apart from other non-profit organizations.

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Screenshot of BTC's Mental Health and Elite Athletes. Click to open the PDF document.

Elite Athletes Discover the delicate balance between sporting prowess and mental well-being: navigating the paradox in the realm of high-performance athletics.

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Screenshot of brochure Introduction Class - What is KAP? Click to open it.

Introduction Class
What is KAP? The basics of Ketamine-assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) explained by Dr. Marisha Chilcott, MD.

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