First Responder Urgent Care

When the wound is acute...
... the treatment needs to be immediate


  • To assist those exposed to recent trauma who are in need of rapid resolution.
  • To provide fast-tracked care that addresses acute stress.
  • To prevent acute stress from becoming PTSD.


Our ultimate goal is to create a scalable model for additional clinics, enabling us to reach and positively impact millions of individuals. We believe that the therapies we offer have the potential to be life-saving for many, and we are committed to expanding access to these transformative treatments.

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"There's too much to tell. Talk therapy only goes so far. Every time I tell a story I traumatize myself all over again. I've tried "EMDR" (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). It can help. I just want to be free. I had six sessions of ketamine+therapy last year in May/June. I felt the freedom - freedom from the loop... Peace... Calm... Quiet in my brain..."
Anonymous First Responder

Two-tone blue circle graphic serves to visually divide sections on the Windows Health Clinic - Be The Change website, a non-profit organization focusing on Ketamine Therapy

Price: $2500
Includes 3 Ketamine-assisted Therapy (KAT) cycles, medical and psyche intake for a total of 24 hours of therapeutic time

Treatment Program for a traumatic event and acute need of treatment:

  1. Agency or individual notifies us that there is a person or team in need of urgent mental health care.
  2. Medical and psyche assessment are done within 24-48 hours virtually.
  3. Two options for treatment tracks: Group vs individual KAT - or a mix thereof First Ketamine-assisted Therapy (KAT) to happen within 96 hours of initial contact with BTC. Therapist to determine the best treatment track which can include layering of KAT within a 10-day period through individual, group and/or a mix of the two.
  4. KAT to include prep, ketamine experience, integration (integration can be virtual).
  5. Upon completion of the initial treatment plan from the BTC therapist, patients can enter our Rolling Enrollment Program at a discounted fee ($2000) for two group KAT cycles and one individual cycle.
  6. Retreat format also possible if the group needing treatment chooses this option, pricing to be determined (3-4 day retreat/3 KAT sessions).


Caption Acute Stress atop a labyrinth to symbolize the intricate nature of this mental health challenge

Acute Stress Disorder

  • Can occur within the first month after experiencing a traumatic event
  • It involves stress responses including:
    • Anxiety
    • Intense fear or helplessness
    • Experiencing flashbacks or nightmares
    • Feeling numb or detached from one’s body
    • Avoiding situations, places or other reminders related to the traumatic event
    • Intense psychological or physical distress when you’re reminded of the event
    • Persistent difficulty feeling positive emotions, such as happiness, contentment or loving feelings
    • An altered sense of reality, like feeling you’re in a daze or as if time is passing in slow motion
    • Memory loss regarding important aspects of the traumatic event
    • Efforts to avoid distressing memories, thoughts or feelings associated with the event
    • Efforts to avoid external reminders associated with the event (people, places or things)
    • Disturbed sleep
    • Irritability or anger outbursts
    • Excessive attention to the possibility of danger (hypervigilance)
    • Difficulty concentrating
    • An exaggerated response to loud noises, sudden movements or other stimuli (startle reflex)
  • Characteristics are similar to PTSD
  • Left untreated can develop into PTSD or Depression
  • Acute Stress Disorder can affect a person at any stage of life
  • According to various studies, the prevalence of Acute Stress Disorder following a traumatic event may range from 6% to 33%

Contact us to learn more

Break-free from AUD

What's the difference between acute stress disorder and PTSD?

The main difference between acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the length of the symptoms.

Acute stress disorder involves stress reactions that happen between three days and four weeks following a traumatic event. Stress reactions lasting longer than four weeks may meet the criteria for PTSD.

How is acute stress disorder diagnosed?

There's no test to diagnose acute stress disorder. Instead, a healthcare provider makes the diagnosis after conducting a thorough psychosocial assessment.

They'll ask about your current symptoms and about your medical and mental health history.

First Responders Flag

What causes acute stress disorder?

It's unclear why people respond differently to traumatic events.

One theory involves the concept of "fear conditioning." This happens when your body exhibits a fear response to certain stimuli associated with a traumatic event. For example, if you were in a car accident and you had fast food in your vehicle and it was nighttime, future encounters with the smell of fast food at night may trigger your body to have the same fear response that you did during the traumatic event even though there's no threat to your safety.

Some people may adapt to fear conditioning via extinction learning, which involves a gradual reduction in response to the traumatic triggers. If this doesn't work, you could develop acute stress disorder and potentially PTSD.