All Policies

Privacy Policy

We will never sell nor otherwise distribute the names, or contact information of our donors or clients, without their explicit permission to disclose such information or when it is required by state or federal law in the context of our non-profit status.
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Diversity Policy

We are committed to fostering a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment for all individuals seeking mental health treatments and services. We recognize the richness that diversity brings to our organization and the mental health field as a whole. Our commitment to diversity is integral to our mission of promoting mental well-being.
View our full Diversity Policy »

Accessibility Policy

At Windows Health Clinic - Be The Change, we are committed to ensuring accessibility for all individuals, including those with disabilities. We strive to provide a website that is accessible and user-friendly, and we have implemented accessibe software to enhance the accessibility features of our website. This accessibility policy outlines our commitment to accessibility and the measures we have taken to make our website more inclusive and accessible to all users.
View our full Accessibility Policy »