Women Survivors
Women Survivors

BTC's Ketamine-assisted Therapy for Women

In a world where strength often emerges from vulnerability, the journey to healing after experiencing trauma or sexual abuse can be a profound testament to the resilience of the human spirit. For women who have faced such harrowing experiences, the impact on their mental and emotional well-being can be overwhelming. However, there is a beacon of hope: Windows Health Clinic - Be The Change and its pioneering approach to healing through Ketamine-assisted Therapy. At Windows Health Clinic - Be The Change, we offer renewed hope and empowerment for women dealing with the mental conditions that often accompany trauma and sexual abuse.

Women in the US have encountered sexual violence.

This traumatic experience can result in conditions such as depression, PTSD, and anxiety.

In 2019, over 652,676 women were raped.

This disturbing data comes directly frm the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

During 2019, 13% of all women in California were victims of rape.

Regrettably, incidents of sexual assault are widespread across all 50 states.

Efficacy Rate of Ketamine-assisted Therapy

Imagine the possibilities... With KAT, we have the ability to help women, providing a ray of hope.


You do not have to be a victim anymore. Regain control of your life!

Traumatic experiences and sexual abuses

Trauma and sexual abuse can leave deep scars on a woman's psyche. The emotional wounds can manifest as conditions like depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and a myriad of other mental health challenges. These conditions often create a heavy burden, affecting every aspect of a woman's life, including her family and work environments. At Windows Health Clinic - Be The Change, we understand the significance of these struggles and are committed to helping women overcome them. We also understand that revisiting old trauma, ripping open the protective "scab", can be counterproductive to healing and disruptive to your current life. Ketamine-assisted Therapy (KAT) does not require analysis of the trauma or violence that brings you in for treatment.

Healing with Ketamine-assisted Therapy

Windows Health Clinic - Be The Change's Ketamine-assisted Therapy is a revolutionary approach to healing that offers a ray of hope for women on their journey to recovery and peak mental wellness. Ketamine, administered by a medical practitioner in a controlled and therapeutic environment, has shown remarkable efficacy in alleviating the symptoms associated with trauma-related mental health conditions. When integrated with psychotherapy, Ketamine-assisted Therapy has compelling durability. KAT helps women break free from the restraints of their past, providing a path towards a brighter future.

BTC's personalized approach

Our team at Windows Health Clinic - Be The Change believes in the strength and resilience of every woman. We recognize that healing is a unique and deeply personal journey. That is why we tailor each treatment plan to the individual, providing the utmost care and support throughout the process. With Ketamine-assisted Therapy, we aim to create a safe and nurturing space where women can explore their inner strength and rediscover their sense of self. Ketamine-assisted Therapy does not require the patient to revisit old wounds. KAT integrates an approach that is forward-thinking, acting as a springboard into a mental wellness program anchored in the new neural pathways created from KAT.

Ketamine-assisted group therapy has been shown to offer breakthroughs that traditional modalities often do not access. Our women's retreats offer a nurturing, supportive, and healing environment. Held in restorative settings, our women's retreats are an opportunity to focus solely on your healing journey, without the encumbrances of home, work, and family. Women leave our retreats having experienced joyous support in their healing journey; refreshed with a new set of tools to utilize in everyday life.

A typical retreat schedule looks like this   Open a previous flier

Hope and empowerment

Our ultimate goal is to instill hope and empowerment in women who have faced trauma and sexual violence. We understand that the journey is not just about healing; it is about transformation. With our guidance and treatment options, women can find the strength to heal, grow, and reclaim their lives. We firmly believe that every woman has the potential to overcome adversity and emerge stronger.

Start your journey to healing

If you, or a women you know, is seeking hope and healing from the mental conditions resulting from trauma and sexual abuse, we invite you to contact us at Windows Health Clinic - Be The Change. Our compassionate team is dedicated to helping women on their path to empowerment and well-being. Together, we can reclaim hope, inspire resilience, and build a brighter future.

At Windows Health Clinic - Be The Change, we stand as a beacon of hope for women who have experienced trauma or sexual abuse. Our Ketamine-assisted Therapy offers not just treatment but a profound opportunity for healing, growth, and empowerment.


My experience with ketamine was nothing that I was prepared for. It was a journey through unbelievable visions and sensations. I got to experience things in a way that I had never thought that I would.

I had some amazing interactions with myself that I don't think would have been possible without the medicine and that allowed me then to apply those emotions in my everyday life. After the sessions, you are left with this feeling that you have the tools to heal yourself and that allows you to go forward in life. I now feel a type of courage that I had never felt before.


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According to the Office of Women's Health over 20% of women in the United States encountered a mental health challenge in the previous year, such as depression or anxiety.

Several mental health conditions, including depression, disproportionately impact women or manifest differently in women compared to men. Mental health conditions due to trauma or sexual abuse are treatable, enabling individuals to improve their well-being and lead fulfilling lives.

Maintaining your sound mental health is crucial for your health and happiness. You deserve to be happy!


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Some of our retreats' photographs