Women's Therapeutic Retreat

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October 12th, 2023

Are you a survivor of sexual trauma or domestic violence?
Are you seeking a safe and nurturing environment to embark on your healing journey?

Look no further, because our team is here to provide you with the support, guidance, and transformational experience you deserve. Come and join us at our Women's Therapeutic Retreat in Tahoe on October 12, 2023.

Embark on a journey with a close-knit group of individuals who have faced similar abusive situations as you may have. Together, you will delve into the transformative healing of Ketamine-assisted Therapy (KAT). The strength of collective healing and support can be truly remarkable.

About the retreat

At this exclusive retreat, we have created a sanctuary for women who have survived sexual trauma or domestic violence. Our picturesque Tahoe setting offers a serene backdrop for self-discovery, and healing. This retreat is designed to be a safe space where you can connect with other survivors, share your stories, and embark on a path toward healing and renewal.

Open our flier here

What to expect

Guided group experience: Our retreat will feature a series of well prepared workshops and therapeutic sessions including psycholytic/psychedelic Ketamine treatments facilitated by experienced professionals. These sessions will focus on healing, resilience, and tapping into your innate inner strength. Our experienced licensed and trained therapists, MDs, and RNs will guide you through the Ketamine experience in a safe and supportive environment.

Group Support: Share your journey with a small group of individuals who are also exploring Ketamine-assisted Therapy. Experience the power of collective healing and support.

Resilience Building: Learn strategies to cultivate resilience and emotional well-being, empowering you to face life's challenges with strength and confidence.

Personal Transformation: Ketamine-assisted (group) therapy is a tool for deep self-discovery and transformation. It can help you break free from the grip of trauma and step into a brighter future.

Self-Care: Explore self-care practices and learn techniques to cultivate emotional and mental well-being. Discover how to prioritize your own healing and self-love.

Nature and Relaxation: Enjoy the natural beauty of Lake Tahoe while taking time for reflection and relaxation. Nature has a profound healing effect, and our retreat location is chosen with your well-being in mind.

Ketamine-assisted (group) therapy to heal wounds, cultivate resilience, & find your inner strength

Ketamine-assisted (group) therapy is designed to provide survivors like you with a unique healing experience. Ketamine, administered under the guidance of our trained professionals, can facilitate profound inner exploration and healing. This program aims to help you heal emotional wounds, enhance resilience, and tap into your innate inner strength.

Group psychotherapy at our Tahoe retreat will offer a unique and transformative healing experience. Participants come together in a supportive and nurturing environment, to explore their emotional and psychological challenges. Facilitated by our trained therapists, these intimate group sessions encourage individuals to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, fostering a sense of connection and belonging among the participants.

Through this collective exploration, attendees gain insight into their own struggles while learning from others' journeys. Our group psychotherapy provides a safe space for personal growth, self-discovery, and the development of essential coping skills, all within the backdrop of a serene and tranquil setting conducive to healing.

Join us on the path to healing

Whether you choose to attend our Women's Therapeutic Retreat in Tahoe or explore the transformative potential of Ketamine-assisted (group) Therapy, we are here to support you on your healing journey. Together, we can help survivors like you or your loved ones to heal, grow, and find their innate inner strength. Don't miss this opportunity for personal growth and transformation. This is your time to heal!

Our Speakers

Dr. Marisha Chilcott - Founder of Windows Health Clinic - Be The Change
Julane Andries - Transformational PsychoTherapy
Coltrane Lord of Wonderland Foundation

Marisha Chilcott

Marisha Chilcott
Julane Andries

Julane Andries
Coltrane Lord

Coltrane Lord
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