What does not mental health truly mean?

Understanding the True Essence of Mental Health: Beyond the Surface In our country, and this is very true in the San Francisco Bay Area, people often prioritize physical well-being above all else. The significance of mental health can sometimes be overlooked or misunderstood. However, mental health is not merely the absence of mental illness; it e...

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Ketamine Therapy for Adolescents in Santa Rosa, Sonoma County

Finding Hope As adolescents who have suffered childhood trauma approach adulthood, they often carry with them the weight of unresolved mental health issues. But there is hope. At Be the Change in Mental Health, located in Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, we specialize in offering proven treatments like Ketamine Therapy to help traumatized adolescents re...

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Holding on by a thread? Have you considered TMS?

In the midst of life's storms, when the weight of the world feels unbearable, it's easy to feel like you're hanging on by a thread. The dark clouds of depression or other mental health challenges can cast a shadow over even the brightest days, leaving us grasping for a lifeline. If you find yourself in this place of struggle, know that you're not a...

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Navigating the Scars of Bullying: The Road to Healing Adolescent Trauma

In recent years, the escalating issue of bullying, including its digital counterpart, cyberbullying, has cast a long shadow over the lives of many teenagers. The effects of these harmful behaviors extend far beyond temporary distress, often embedding deep psychological scars that can manifest as severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). As soci...

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Ketamine and Adolescents

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy for Adolescents with Complex Psychiatric Conditions: A New Frontier in Treatment! * This article sources its information from the National Library of Medicine and may present technical content. It is intended for individuals interested in the application of Ketamine for therapeutic purposes in teenag...

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What is MDMA?

While MDMA is not among the products or services we provide, it remains a trending topic. We frequently receive inquiries such as "What is MDMA?" Thus, this article aims to delve into the substance, unraveling its nature and addressing why it has become a subject of extensive discussion in recent times. It is important to note that, at BTC,...

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Understanding the Alarming Trend: Veteran Suicide Statistics

This content is sourced from the 2023 National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report. While the report primarily analyzes data from 2021, the core insights are consistent to today's date. We understand that these findings may be somewhat alarming, but it is important to remember that hope is always present. Our team at BTC in Mental Heal...

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Ketamine for Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders represent one of the most common mental health challenges, affecting millions worldwide. Traditional treatments, while effective for some, leave many others searching for relief. Enter Ketamine Therapy—an innovative treatment that's showing promising results for those grappling with various anxiety disorders. At Be the Change in...

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