Be Your Child’s Hero: The Courage to Seek Mental Health Support

In the eyes of a child, their parents are the first heroes they ever know. To a young mind, parents wield the power to make the boo-boos go away, to turn a bad day into an adventure, and to cast away the monsters lurking in the shadows. But what happens when the hero needs rescuing? For parents grappling with mental health conditions, the journey t...

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We see you!

Embracing your worth In a world where many struggle silently with their mental health, it's easy to feel invisible, misunderstood, or even hopeless. But amidst the chaos of our minds, there is a beacon of light: Be the Change in Mental Health. Our non-profit organization stands as a testament to the belief that every individual, regardless of thei...

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Finding Hope in the Saddle

PODCAST * Giana's Journey of Resilience and Redemption * In a gripping and candid conversation, Giana shares her remarkable journey from the glitz and glam of the East Coast showing circuit to a dark period where she found herself running away from it all. Her story she shared on Stable Connections takes us through the highs and lows of her extens...

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Getting mentally healthy and reconnecting with loved ones

Embarking on a journey towards mental health is akin to planting a garden. It requires patience, care, and a nurturing touch, but the blooms that follow are vibrant and life-affirming. For many, the path to mental wellness is not just about healing oneself; it's also about rekindling the flames of love and connection with those who matter most. Jus...

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Psychedelic versus Psycholytic Therapy

We recently were asked what the difference was between Psychedelic versus Psycholytic Therapy. Psychedelic therapy and psycholytic therapy may sound similar, but they serve distinct purposes. In psychedelic therapy, patients undergo profound and transformative experiences facilitated by doses of psychedelic substances such as MDMA and Psilocybin (t...

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It is okay not to be okay!

#ItsOkayToNotBeOkay In a world where strength is often measured by our ability to conceal vulnerabilities, acknowledging that "it's okay not to be okay" is a radical act of self-compassion. Mental wellness is a crucial aspect of our overall health, yet it frequently remains shrouded in stigma and misunderstanding. This silence around mental health...

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Finding hope after the storm: The rainbow of Mental Health Recovery

“After every storm, there is a rainbow. If you have eyes, you will find it. If you have wisdom, you will create it.” Life, much like the weather, is a mix of predictability and surprise. It throws at us sunny days and storms with equal unpredictability. One of the most enchanting and hope-inspiring phenomena is the appearance of a rainbow af...

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Make your life colorful

Embrace a Vibrant Life: Prioritizing Mental Wellness for Fulfillment and Joy In your work life and personal life, you may find yourself prioritizing productivity and tangible achievements. When doing so, the importance of mental wellness can sometimes be overlooked. However, nurturing your mental health is crucial for a fulfilling and vibrant life...

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