Ever feel out of order?

Recognizing and Addressing Intermittent Depression In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's not uncommon to feel like everything is a bit out of order from time to time. From juggling demanding careers to meeting the needs of family and friends, many of us find ourselves caught up in a whirlwind of responsibilities. Yet, amidst this chaos, we...

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Holding on by a thread? Have you considered TMS?

In the midst of life's storms, when the weight of the world feels unbearable, it's easy to feel like you're hanging on by a thread. The dark clouds of depression or other mental health challenges can cast a shadow over even the brightest days, leaving us grasping for a lifeline. If you find yourself in this place of struggle, know that you're not a...

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Police Officer

Revolutionizing Mental Health for Police Officers

Police officers are the unsung heroes of society, dedicating their lives to maintaining law and order, often at great personal cost. The stresses of their profession can take a severe toll on their mental health, leading to a myriad of issues, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and more. The need for effective, lo...

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Veterans’ Unique Mental Health Challenges

The mental health journey for veterans is often a unique and complex one. The experiences and challenges faced during military service can leave lasting emotional scars. At Be the Change in Mental Health, we understand these distinctive struggles and offer proven solutions with Ketamine-assisted Therapy and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. Our in...

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Navigating Intermittent Depression

Depression, as many know, is not always a constant companion. For some individuals, it arrives intermittently, casting intermittent shadows over their lives. This phenomenon, known as intermittent depression, poses unique challenges that deserve our attention and understanding. In this article, we delve into what intermittent depression is, why it'...

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