Be Your Child’s Hero: The Courage to Seek Mental Health Support

In the eyes of a child, their parents are the first heroes they ever know. To a young mind, parents wield the power to make the boo-boos go away, to turn a bad day into an adventure, and to cast away the monsters lurking in the shadows. But what happens when the hero needs rescuing? For parents grappling with mental health conditions, the journey t...

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Getting mentally healthy and reconnecting with loved ones

Embarking on a journey towards mental health is akin to planting a garden. It requires patience, care, and a nurturing touch, but the blooms that follow are vibrant and life-affirming. For many, the path to mental wellness is not just about healing oneself; it's also about rekindling the flames of love and connection with those who matter most. Jus...

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It is okay not to be okay!

#ItsOkayToNotBeOkay In a world where strength is often measured by our ability to conceal vulnerabilities, acknowledging that "it's okay not to be okay" is a radical act of self-compassion. Mental wellness is a crucial aspect of our overall health, yet it frequently remains shrouded in stigma and misunderstanding. This silence around mental health...

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Finding hope after the storm: The rainbow of Mental Health Recovery

“After every storm, there is a rainbow. If you have eyes, you will find it. If you have wisdom, you will create it.” Life, much like the weather, is a mix of predictability and surprise. It throws at us sunny days and storms with equal unpredictability. One of the most enchanting and hope-inspiring phenomena is the appearance of a rainbow af...

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Healing Inherited Family Trauma

A Journey Towards Wellness with Be the Change in Mental Health In the heart of Santa Rosa, California, our non-profit outpatient mental health clinic, Be the Change in Mental Health, is pioneering a path to healing for individuals grappling with the often-overlooked realm of inherited family trauma. Our innovative mental health center recognizes t...

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What does hope look like to you?

In the shadowed corners of our lives, where the echoes of trauma and the whispers of personal struggle mingle, hope often seems like a distant flicker, an elusive promise of light yet to be found. Yet, it is in these very shadows that the true essence of hope can reveal itself, not as a grand beacon, but as a gentle whisper, nudging us towa...

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Mental health is much like sailing on the ocean

Sometimes the waters are calm and steady, and we smoothly navigate our way through life's challenges. Other times, the waves may become turbulent, and it can be a struggle to stay afloat. But just like skilled sailors adjust their sails and stay resilient in the face of storms, taking care of our mental health equips us to weather life's ups and do...

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Winter Blues

As the days grow shorter and the temperature drops, many of us find ourselves dealing with the winter blues. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a common phenomenon, but it's important to remember that you don't have to be physically sick to seek better mental health. At BTC in Mental Health, we experience too the challenges of the winter season a...

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