Collaborating with like-minded organizations

In anything in life but especialling in the arena of mental health advocacy and support, collaboration is not just beneficial; it’s essential. At Be the Change in Mental Health, we are committed to fostering partnerships with like-minded organizations in Sonoma County and in California. By ration with like-minded organizations is key t together, we aim to provide accurate information, support individuals in need, and combat the stigma surrounding mental health.

Unity in Purpose

As advocates for mental health awareness and support, we understand the importance of solidarity. By joining forces with other organizations that share our vision, we amplify our collective imfvpact. Together, we can reach more individuals, raise greater awareness, and effect meaningful change in Sonoma County and California’s mental health landscape.

If you feel your organization or company might work well with our nonprofit or provide complimentary services, please reach out to our Director of Parnerships and Outreach, Giana Chilcott, by phone or text at (707) 293-5841 or by email at


Working Towards a Common Goal

At Be the Change in Mental Health, our primary goal is to provide resources and support to those struggling with mental health issues. By collaborating with similar entities in the county, we strengthen our ability to achieve this goal. Through shared knowledge, expertise, and resources, we can better address the diverse needs of our community and ensure that no one feels alone in their journey toward mental wellness.

Removing the Stigma, Together

Stigma remains one of the most significant barriers to mental health treatment and support. Through collaboration with like-minded organizations, we can collectively challenge and dismantle these harmful stereotypes. By promoting open dialogue, education, and understanding, we work towards creating a more inclusive and stigma-free environment for everyone in Sonoma County, the North Bay, Bay Area, and even the greater California. We are currently working with the VA office, First Responders organizations, and many others.

Maximizing Impact Through Collaboration

Partnership is not just about shared goals; it’s about amplifying our impact. By collaborating with other mental health-focused entities, we can reach a broader audience and provide more comprehensive support. Whether through joint events, cross-promotion of services, or collaborative initiatives, we maximize our collective ability to make a difference in the lives of those affected by mental illness.

Join Us in Making a Difference

We invite fellow mental health organizations, clinics, and advocacy groups in Sonoma County to join us in our collaborative efforts. Together, we can create a stronger, more supportive network for individuals struggling with mental health issues. By working hand in hand, we can effect positive change and build a community where mental health is prioritized, understood, and supported.

Together, We Can Make a Change

Collaboration with like-minded organizations like LCSW, Mike Ergo, inRESPONSE Mental Health Support Team, and Bishop’s Ranch to name a few, is key to our mission of promoting mental health awareness, support, and stigma reduction in Sonoma County. By working together, we can achieve far more than we could alone.

Let us join forces and be the change we wish to see in our community’s mental health landscape.

Working towards a common goal!